Old Man
The old man rests his feet
on the raised-up root
of an October willow.
He bends down,
retrieves a discarded cap
and dangles it off the lowest limb,
not knowing that its owner
hung himself in these woods,
never will return to notice
the thoughtful gentleness
of age and autumn.
Perhaps the old man’s wife
hung herself years ago.
They had been divorced.
All he got was a call from the east
informing of suicide, explaining
that no one could lend him the money
to make the trip to the funeral.
So he lit a candle
and gathered up money
to send flowers to a memory.
Standing here years later
deciding the rocks
are too full of moss
for an old man to take off his shoes
and balance to the other bank
to get closer to the two sparrows
dipping in the water and
flying to the vacant stump.
There’s really no reason this cap
should lie here in the mud.
Voice Recording